www.gbadev.org | Possibly the best Gameboy Advance development site on the web! |
devrs.com/gba | Gameboy Advance Dev'rs - another large development resource |
darkfader.net | Darkfader's site is a useful resource for Gameboy Advance, and other consoles! |
CowBite Spec | This is a very nice reference to the GBA hardware |
nocash GBATek | My very favorite GBA hardware reference, organized in an easy-to-access format :) |
www.programmersheaven.com | Lots of useful code for all kinds of things |
nehe.gamedev.net | OpenGL information and tutorials |
MSDN Library | The reference for anything microsoft, and oh so more! |
www.ludumdare.com | - Unrestrained game development |
hamumu.com | Hamumu Software, your one-stop outlet for dumb games for your Windows PC. |
www.devrs.com | Dev'rs has information on electronics too :) |
www.akkit.org | My main website |